After you get used to the whole process, you start to feel minting and listing NFTs is not very difficult as expected. And you will notice the hardest part is promoting your listed NFTs to potential collectors. Some NFT marketplaces have function of “searching” so technically collectors can organically find your pieces out. But realistically, the chance is very small.
So what you need to do is create your own channel to get connected to potential collectors who might be interested in your creation. Your social media, especially Twitter will play this role if you are aware of the trend and some cultures that NFT artists and collectors get interacted with each other.

Follow the “Shill Your NFT” Culture
There are many collectors active on twitter and some of the enthusiasts are often tweeting typically like, “Today I have 2 ETH to spend! Shill your art by reply!”. These collectors are trying to find new collections by interacting with NFT creators. If you have something to appeal (shill), sending them a reply with the link to your NFT and a short description to attract collectors at a glance.
Use Trend Hash Tags
Collectors often seek for new collections with some trend hashtags, such as #NFTcommunity #NFTartist #NFTart and so on. Follow some top NFT artists and carefully observe what hashes they frequently use and get engaged by collectors with. Tweeting with unnecessary hashes too frequently might cause Shadow Ban on your twitter account, which results in less exposure to public. So be sensible to use only relevant hashes in appropriate frequency.

Promote Other Artists’ Artworks
Maybe you are full with your own NFT promotion, but sometimes helping other artists also helps your promotion too. As well as you, many artists are looking for chance to appeal their works and they are actively reacting to some twitter accounts who support their promotion. So, creating a tweet like “Follow me, RT this tweet and Shill your work. I will retweet your artworks for more exposure!” will help you get more engaged and the growth of your tweets and account.
Don’t Waste Your Time with Fake Collectors
But you also need to be careful about fake collectors when you follow the “Shill Your NFT” culture and interact with a tweet which asks you to follow and retweet. Some of them are not real collectors, but fake accounts which just looking for more followers. This is not very harmful, but it is nothing but a waste of time. Do not randomly interacting but pay your sensible attention to their single tweets and profiles and check if they are really collecting artworks or having any promotion to support artists.
Twitter Is a Strong Channel for all NFT Creators
Although it doesn’t always work perfectly, Twitter and other social media are string channel for you to promote your works and get connected to potential collectors. Strategically using these channels will give you a bigger chance of sales!