So, yesterday we have been notified that Foundation has officially deployed their new “Collection” function. By this, now every artist on Foundation can create their own collection separate from the general Foundation marketplace collection and can start minting their NFTs under their collection.
This is much more than that you can put an outstanding “label” on your series of NFTs. Let’s see what differences this will make!
Custom contract will get your NFTs on another level!
If you have minted your works on Opensea with their “Lazy-minting” system, probably you are all aware of the terms “shared contract”. If your NFTs are minted by shared contract, the gas fee is very small, but technically your NFTs don’t have their own independent contracts = IDs on the blockchain.
Some say this is not a big matter but there are also some arguments that NFTs minted by contracts are very difficult to proof the owner once it gets out of the original marketplace, therefore they are less likely to be collected, or listed for secondary market.
The existing contracts on Foundation are not actually the “shared” one. But if you check the detail of the contract of your NFTs on etherscan.io, you notice that the NFTs are shown as “FND token”. The new function will allow your NFTs to be completely away from this tattoo, and you can have your own symbol on them instead.
Collection organize your listings in fabulous way!
Well, we have not mentioned specifically about the collection function itself. Yes can see there are already some artists who created their own collections and you notice that their artist page is very much organized beautifully!
Yes, aesthetically if you have your own collection it would look much better than just exhibiting random NFTs in the same page. Especially if you have series, brand or any kind of shared category common in your NFTs, this performs 100% aesthetics on your account.
These are the general overviews of the new function on Foundation! We will soon write an article about instructions of how to create your collection and how to mint your NFTs under your collection. Stay connected!