Elizaveta Federmesser – The Venus

From the film “A Hawk as Big as a Horse” (dir. Sasha Kulak, prod. Les Steppes, supported by Garage Museum of contemporary art and Sundance Institute), which depicts the strange life of Lydia, a Russian bi-gender ornithologist who recreates the Twin Peaks’ universe in her wooden house. More info on www.hawkfilm.io

Everyone can remember the strange antique statue (The Venus de Milo) that we saw in the “Red Chamber” in Twin Peaks. But no one can understand why it is there. Lydia has her own ‘Red Room’ and her own statue, represented here as turning indefinitely between mirrors.

The A Hawk as Big as a Horse “The Venus” is a series of 100 exemplars NFTs. They come with a special code that will give the owner access to level 1 of special content once the film is out and the exhibitions are live.

“The Venus” is a 2K video designed by Elizavetta Federmesser, accompanied by music composed by Yakov Mironchev.

NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:633545?tab=owners

Twitter Profile URL: https://rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:633545?tab=owners

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