In my Generations series, I combine 8 mm footage filmed in Havana, Cuba circa 1955 by weaving it with footage I film today to preserve the past and document the present vibrant Miami landscape for future generations. Throughout this series, I explore memory, nostalgia and abstraction by retransforming my primal landscape in Miami and piece these valuable moments together with impromptu clips of my family’s cultural heritage. I attempt to document selective memories and oral history to recall identity, emotionality and collective memory. Within this series, the works titled Impromptu Encounters encompass the surprise and inadvertent moments I captured while filming. Throughout my process, I attempt for others to have a memoric nostalgic experience of this new landscape – memoric to remember what has been learned, and nostalgic to recall what once was. Working in layers, I seek to create a metaphor for the Generations Series which contains the past and present with hope for the future by handing down these collective memories to the next generations.
NFT URL: https://www.aniconica.com/
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/aniconicastudio