King of the City in the Air He is the king of an aerial city that is not on the map. In the aerial cities, the tobacco industry has developed because the king is a smoker. Like the king of each city on the map, he is powerful. For more information, please visit our website.
This collection consists of handmade digital art pieces that represent my development as a designer and a creative. Each item in the collection includes an abstraction of my life, of the real world, and of popular culture. ILLWILL strives to be a place for creative collaboration, and these pieces are the first beacons of the ILLWILL brand. These pieces hope to bring a fresh new perspective on digital galleries, providing people with art they can display in their digital worlds. The ILLWILL abstraction is my call to those creatives who will collaborate to realize new creative possibilities in the digital world.
This NFT of a Japanese novel illustrates the bond between a parent and a child. I hope this NFT will be used as a script for play in the metaverse someday in near future.
Lauburu is an ancient solar symbol, and one of the most important in Basque culture. This collection reinterprets our Lauburu in current visual terms, making a place for Euskal Herria in the NFT universe. This artpiece, with berries, strawberries and leaves, represent a spring Lauburu. Nature in its purest form
She refuses to look at Her current self in the mirror, while her memories and former self pose alongside Her. — Crop from my original acrylic and oil on canvas painting. —
This work is based on the graphic masterpiece of Aleksandr Michajlovič Rodčenko, a Russian painter, photographer and graphic designer who collaborated in the establishment of the constructivist movement. He designed the famous poster in 1924 on commission from the Moscow publisher, Gosizdat.
The original poster has a claim of absolute simplicity: “Books!” On the right a title in a smaller body reads: “for all fields of knowledge”.
In my version the claim becomes: “BOMBS” and the text on the right “FOR EVERY SECTOR OF MADNESS.” The texts on the left are the abbreviations of RUSSIA and PUTIN.
The contrast between the content of the original poster and my rework is evident and, in my opinion, tearing. I chose to work on Rodčenko’s poster because it is universally recognised as a communication masterpiece and because it is a Russian work.
I have the hope that my shout against the war will be passed on to the Russian people who are largely unaware of what is really going on in Ukraine. This damned war is a crime against the Ukrainian people and against the Russian people themselves. The tragic events we are experiencing will forever stain the memory of Russia. This reckless action tramples on the values of humanity and is the work of genuine criminals.
For those on WAX, Packs release for this dame on the 24th of May. The URL for all of Fatale Tournament is on Neftyblocks below!
About Fatale Tournament: A WAX Trading Card collection featuring the most powerful fatales on the metaverse. Collect to empower them via packs releasing every month!
The height of Roppongi Hills Observation Deck is about 270m. Bird can fly to this height as well. It seems to be enjoying freedom. Taken on February 25, 2019 (Photo taken from Roppongi Hills Observation Deck)
File format JPG Image size 8585px x 5723px File size 16.2MB
This work features a skull of the ancestor Skull excavated in the remains of Grape County in the POP Skulls world. They were high-class Skulls in the past. These ancestors were not cremated, but placed in the remains. In the old Skull Country, they were not buried with their entire bodies as in the human world, but just with their heads. Every excavated Skull world has 10 islands.
この作品は POP Skulls World のグレープカウンティーの遺跡より発掘された、スカルの祖先の頭蓋骨です。彼らはその昔、階級の高いスカル達でした。そんな祖先達は、荼毘に伏されることはなく、遺跡の中に、置かれていました。人間界のように全身を埋葬するわけではなく、昔のスカルの国では、頭部のみを埋葬していたようです。それぞれの発掘された、スカルの世界は 10 個の島でできています。
5555 Dragons NFTs evolving, mutating, and battling on the Ethereum & Solana Blockchain. A P2E game where players can Earn through battles against each other.