Project description: “Qualis artifex pereo…” If ever there is a germane moment in an artist’s life to take Nero, the fifth Emperor of Rome, seriously, it is during a pandemic! These are works created between December 2019 and August 2021, the offspring of a “cordon sanitaire” that challenged my cloistered creative impulses to the brink of burnout. Nonetheless, my decade-long interest in a multifaceted abstract expressionism was nurtured by the “cordon solitaire” that the COVID-19 “Q”uarantine imposed upon me.
Artwork description: [Q#2] This is an “acrylic EKG” on a sheet of paper as heavy as, allegedly, 7% of my soul. It is a work toned down by the inception of a Quarantine. This is, in fact a freeze-frame that pinpoints the very moment when a reluctantly parleyed “cordon sanitaire” turned into an aloof “cordon solitaire”. It is meant to be “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” of an identity crisis, a psychoanalytic pangram comprising every single letter used to spell out the consciousness of finitude.
[Q#2] page:
Please note that this NFT is a backed by the unframed acrylic diptych painting on handmade paper, 102 x 72 cm, that the winner of the auction may redeem once the price point of ETH 14 has been reached/exceeded. Any sale bellow this price point, and any subsequent sales of the NFT on secondary markets, will not generate any contractual obligations for the artist.
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