we are soul with a suit of body projecting in the universe as infinite stars of the universe, we are the light, we are the consciousness, we are the universe
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/P3ychxnauT
we are soul with a suit of body projecting in the universe as infinite stars of the universe, we are the light, we are the consciousness, we are the universe
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/P3ychxnauT
El Cine 13 de marzo, fue el único espacio cinematográfico de la salida Sur Este de la Ciudad de Cárdenas. Tuvo menos de 15 años de vida, hoy en día es un rincón abandonado, acogido como hogar o mercado clandestino de los ciudadanos que habitan la zona.
La adquisición de esta obra contiene un archivo desbloqueable en alta calidad y un original impreso en lienzo de 120cm x 180cm.
Esta serie constituye un homenaje y una representación visual de aquellos espacios que forman parte de la historia patrimonial y la identidad cultural matancera. En este volumen se registran los cines, teatros y espacios cinematográficos de los que sólo quedan rastros de su antiguo esplendor, haciendo visible el contexto que hoy encarnan como “Retiros de la desidia”. Utilizo la fotografía documental como lenguaje expresivo. Esta obra formó parte de la XIII Bienal de la Habana en Matanzas.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/cpadron_art
In my Generations series, I combine 8 mm footage filmed in Havana, Cuba circa 1955 by weaving it with footage I film today to preserve the past and document the present vibrant Miami landscape for future generations. Throughout this series, I explore memory, nostalgia and abstraction by retransforming my primal landscape in Miami and piece these valuable moments together with impromptu clips of my family’s cultural heritage. I attempt to document selective memories and oral history to recall identity, emotionality and collective memory. Within this series, the works titled Impromptu Encounters encompass the surprise and inadvertent moments I captured while filming. Throughout my process, I attempt for others to have a memoric nostalgic experience of this new landscape – memoric to remember what has been learned, and nostalgic to recall what once was. Working in layers, I seek to create a metaphor for the Generations Series which contains the past and present with hope for the future by handing down these collective memories to the next generations.
NFT URL: https://www.aniconica.com/
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/aniconicastudio
This art is based on the concept of human-alien hybrids. UFO sightings are no longer a belief now and many people now believe that aliens are here on our planet Earth. Some would even say they have been here long before we could know. According to some believers, They are creating the Hybrids and alien abductions are a part of this equation. However, Their agenda is unknown but people choose to believe that humans are evolving in wrong directions now so they are here to help humanity.
[Note:] NFT version doesn’t have watermark.
Twitter Profile URL: @ArtNature4
Next gen automotive design concept set in unknown future Xx / Author: Tomas Jankauskas = jnk.design // GIF 480×334 pixels /// 2021 06 17 ////
Starts at 1 #tez
Show me your love, 😉
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/136338
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/JNK_Design
It would be wonderful to run a train through the galaxy.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/J_cryptoart
Two birds with two different perspectives about the world. One is emotionless and limiting. Other one is full of emotions and endless. All at once. You choose your perspective about life.
Resolution: 1080×1080/ MP4
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/88054
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Vegzi1
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a disease in which patients often do their best to hide from the world, perceiving their physique incorrectly.
In this project, we have hidden beautiful human figures among different geometric shapes to conceptually represent how patients are seen in a wrong way by themselves.
People with TDC are hyperconcentrated in the perception of their defects, which often go unnoticed by others.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@NastPlas/dysmorphia-24785
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/nastplas
The Tez.Robots series is a collection consisting of different, rare collectibles, designed by digital artist Mauly. The series is continuously growing and will include many different Tez.Robots in the future.
Each one is limited to a certain number and will not be reproduced.
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/97693
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/MaulyNft
▶︎ Tokyomatic20XX Origin art certificate
To send physical&Virtual 2in1 artworks to you from Tokyo.
└ In the Virtual world : The right to display your work only in your own digital space (Digital private property)
└ In the Physical world : Display my artwork in your room or favorite space. (Physical art exchange certificate)
*Physical art size : About “A1 size” 23inch(600mm) x 33inch(1000mm) Canvas with wood paneling
*It will take some time for the work to be shipped.(Roughly 2~3 months)
*This item will be sold only to those who can communicate with me after the sale.
▶ Tokyomatic20XX Brand Storytelling
Imagine that you are in the future.
Where and what will you be doing in the future, beyond the year 20XX?
As technology continues to advance, will people’s lives become richer?
Will life and leisure activities in the metaverse provide a better experience for people?
And are we living in peace and equality? I am imagining a future of a better world that transcends race.
When you are in virtual space, my art is in the space you like best.
When you are in physical space, my art is in the space you love the most.
The principle of the universe that transcends race and gender, the crypto code that is the essence of life.
“The Crypto of Life” is a work of art about the world as seen through my eyes in early 2021.
▶︎ Upsetters®︎ “The Product First” New era origin brand
Upsetters®︎ has been selling 45 RPM analog record adapters featuring a crown since 2020.
Upsetters®︎ is an original brand based in Tokyo, Japan that presents its work as product art for analog record lovers around the world.
It is a contemporary crypto art work of art created by artist JET(Upsetters®︎).
①. In the future, Upsetters® plans to transmit a street brand that will be the starting point for a new era.
②. In the future, there will be a surprise benefit for those who purchase this NFT work in some form or another. Please look forward to it.
③. We will choose the main network for this work. We will also consider Polygon (Matic) as we move forward.
④. Finally, who decided that NFT is a digital art thing? That future is a waste, and it’s not fair.I think that there should be equality for all expressionists.
With respect to all the expressive people in the world. Big up!! by JET
“ The Product First. ” To you, somewhere, from Tokyo. ©︎2021 Upsetters®︎ All Rights Reserved.
NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0xf28f9e475e321a192d1007afc9bdcd48afd35a07:1?tab=details
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/UpsettersN
We all have that one moment where we just stare blankly through the window — wanting everything back to normal.
2048 x 2048
NFT URL: http://hic.art/122368
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/oddckle
Kaleiderotica: Titel B – 2001
Artwork series of 28 different nudes
From digital to analog and back to digital again,
crossing boundaries of media of that time…
2005 Werkschau Münchner Fotografen (DE)
2006 Café am Wiener Platz – Munich (DE)
2007 Secondlife Gallery – Munich (virtual)
2013 Silvaplana (CH)
2017 Steemit (Crypto Social Media) (in engl. & german)
learn more about Kaleiderotica:
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/bobbyboe/bb-werk-b-nr050114121259-kaleiderotica-40195
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/bobbyboe_com
When I was a child, I used to play with toy cars.
When I was a teenager, I used to play video games.
Now I’m an adult who creates interactive NFTs on HEN.
In my new release these all things come together.
Have fun, guys!
Click/tap on the cars to move them.
Click/tap on the background to stop or play it.
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/112246
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/vitalytsarenkov
a combination of creature and a human creating a fantasy humaniod tiger i called it TIGRUS
NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:663610?tab=details
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Hasan_tawfiq82
Boundary objects, poorly recognizable bodies, fish-flowers. A part of Svan/Nectar multidisciplinary project and video show for plants and humans.
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/104867
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/julia_vergazova
Circulation of energies represented by motion, curves, typography and volumes.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@webz1/atmospheric-letters-40826
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/webz
“She plays on the wall with her fickle dreams and finds miracles in the shadows.”
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/120524
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/shoscape
I create sumptuous digital compositions which combine disparate elements and mimic many traditional practices in hybrid images richly layered with vivid details,patterns and tones.
This fusion of traditional imagery and cutting-edge techniques produces unforgettable works that connect viewers to their past and present.
NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0xda98f59e1edecb2545d7b07b794e704ed6cf1f7a:425?tab=history
Twitter Profile URL: @noriko_kinouchi
“What if a cyber brain could possibly generate its own ghost? Create a soul all by itself?”
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/112294
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/andrevieiraart
Our Nfts collection is inspired by children’s artwork from the 80s and 90s, each of the characters that make up our work is part of a fun and surprising microcosm that unites all the works in the same lore that allows us to provide a unique background to each work in the form of a unique personality and story.
Theyre 1/1 editions except for a few exceptions, like the CryptoSerpent #000.
With each drop, the story increases, the following CriptoSerpents are related to each other, and their objective is the same as ours, to finish the work and rebuild their planet by accumulating Tezos, something that is achieved through their disproportionate originality.
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/tz/tz1csaF9qoUB4y9MwgQttDJYLKw5x6acb399
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Enliveneth
Poseidon is an unstable and violent God who possesses the abilities and power to rule the universe. His wrath is capable of destroying anything he wants, including our towns and cities, and flooding everything with storms and earthquakes.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@rafaelcarlesso/poseidon-says-hello-44773
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/rafaelcarlesso
A few creatures have fallen into earth with two sides of interpretation, one in the main sight and other in the upside down world. Join this collection quest and capture both perspectives of each **ambigraphic** flip face to animate their lives.
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/90674
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/vaz_faz
Remember that lovely moment when you were so nervous, so anxious, so filled with anticipation, so keenly aware of that very instant?
NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:586333?tab=owners
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Cristolo11
This is the second in a series of 5 digital images inspired by the Buddha and the colors of the world that light the way to personal enlightenment.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Cristolo11
A brief nostalgic review of all those operating systems that made us dream in the 80s and 90s.
¬Gif. ¬Dimensions: 1248×1248 ¬Color space: RGB ¬Color profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1 ¬Alpha channel: No
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/jmonterovaras
If you are in troubles… this is a good way to disappear 🙂 (SOUND ON) — Handmade stopmotion clay animation —
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/108732
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/TomiBarrenechea
Physical 18K gold signet ring
This piece is a take on my previous works on machine learning paintings and bring it to life in the form of a unique signet ring
Holder of this NFT can claim the physical ring // OBJKT# will be engraved in the physical ring
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/105949
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/yungmathusalem
The second circle of the hell maybe one of the best circles for dying. Instagram is very close to this circle passion, because nudes and sexual pretty girls at instagram take the best reaction and reach millions of followers. So the time of overpassion is coming. Soon sex might be overdosing, people becoming asexual, then sexuality might lose power at advertising and how advertising might influence then, how to reach popularity not by sexuality in the future asexual clip culture?
NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/45228
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/bekkerantn?s=09
Open-minded people don’t care to be right, they care to understand. there’s never a right or wrong answer. Everything is about understanding.
Dimensions – 4000*5000
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/khatriji2510/open-minded-38936
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/VipinKhatri2510/status/1396002079475257345
‘fogo’ is the portuguese word for fire.
This work was made with javascript using p5.js library to manipulate the HTML5 canvas.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/notDevOrArtist1