Damian Catera – Bach Revisited-The Well Tempered Clavier Transformed

Bach Revisited V.1 is part of a larger work where the sounds of Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier are sampled and re-mixed with randomization algorithms. A new assemblage emerges from the chaos. The animation is a chance based re-processing of the score.

I like making new things from pre-existing material and exploring the murky territory between the senses and between creative disciplines.

(1 minute animation loop with stereo sound)

NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:1143144

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/PraxisClassics

Chester Wade – Legacy

Back in 2017, I was walking down the Montreal streets by night trying to get lost. When I suddenly found, at the corner of a dark street, a construction site illuminated by those neons lights. It was like the perfect cinematic aesthetic glowing just in front of me.

Comes with a fine art prints on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Pearl 320gsm.

Montreal, Canada
[ 5896 × 3931 ]

Chester Wade

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@0xWade/legacy-58940

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/0xwade


This is a hidden place from rural India and this is a rare photograph of such view because as this is captured by me in the early stages of this project, now this place is now a hydro power plant.
Now this place is full of water to its capacity and never a same place as before.

Location: 16.312, 77.777

This was one of my favorite place because I used to go there, sit on those rocks down there with legs in flowing water and soothing sound of it, that gives me a whole different kind of vibe.

My photograph turned into NFT for the first time.

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@ParameshwarNFT

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Parameshwar__

Olay.ana – Melancholy

This collage is created from elements of AI-generated graphics and photos of real life objects. It refers to a feeling of melancholy.
Each emotion has its own levels of depth, its own color and its own images. In this image, I see melancholy. It envelops everything in a deep purple haze, but still leaves room for hope and light. Sadness? Yearning? Blues?

Surreal digital collage
2000×2000 px

NFT URL: https://mainnet.sign-art.app/user/3PHM6odfeQNFfcBb7jF1BvGf6x61MUTswXr/artwork/5a1fNsFLLGxd175M3RxkTDzGir4kzyb7gjmyBSwxh4r1

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/OlayAna_

Pegachento – Coronafish

It’s a fish that looks like a known virus. Coronafish is an unoffensive creature, friendly and lovely.

It’s the only fish that uses a mask beneath the sea. Doesn’t recognize a yellow sponge if you ask it.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/22259313764697834924918282940310153626209708394525067626635186315741374709761

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/elpegachento/status/1412404610283802635

Narges Shahraeeni – Gate to darkness

‘Gate to Darkness’ is an artwork from the Mellancholia collection. In this collection I take the message of the sub-conscious serious. Dreams are the sub-conscious mind’s way to tell us some things, but it represents them in symbols formm and so most of the artworks in this collection are based on my dreams.
This piece comes from a dream, in which I saw a satanic group sacrificing a young woman by sending her away to a world of darkness.

NFT URL: https://wax.atomichub.io/creator/collection/mellancholia

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Nargeshahraeeni

Fatih Jagad Raya – Distinctive Trait

I try to respond the “character” using a 3D digital as medium, the use of this medium is very supportive to provide a realistic but surrealistic visual. An individual has a variety of characters, psychological traits, morals or manners that differentiate a person from another. To find identity, it is necessary to adapt in facing new obstacles that can affect changes in the character of an individual to become a good or bad individual. In the social environment, sometimes some individuals who do not have the determination to adapt will experience color refraction which results in all individuals looking the same, which means that a person who does not have a personality will be carried away, which results in that person not having a stand. The use of the red monochromatic technique on one object is a symbol of an individual adapting without needing to resemble other people’s characters.

NFT URL: https://linktr.ee/fatihjagadraya

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FatihJagadRaya

Ezra Igor – GLITCHED! – 042

GLITCHED! 042, a glitched art by an image that glitched.

Each of art in GLITCHED! is digital manually created then so make them unique. The image format in GLITCHED! are PNG with various high resolution pixel size.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/9946365281519899535745009602192011354623477109457699631642841042688346685441

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ezraigor

Silky Way Art – Deep Toughts

Even if you’re a little kid, you can dive into deep thoughts.

I shot this photo in Eskişehir, in 2015 for my photo project. The little girl was sitting alone on the steps while other children were riding their bikes and people were having a picnic. As if she wanted to be alone, dived into deep thoughts. What was she dreaming of?

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@silkywayart/deep-thoughts-48015

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/IpekMorel

yurecs_surreal – Silver and Creative virus

Hi everybody !

It is a great honor for me to upload my first two works!
One creative work and only in a single copy.
Another collectible silver work with a denomination of 40 copies. And I got one cool idea.

When buying 10 copies of silver viruses, I publish the version of the “golden virus” with a par value of 3 copies. Thanks to this, you will help me develop my creativity and give me motivation to make cool art.

In the future, I plan to create collections for rariblecom
in different themes, depending on my and your fantasies, the collections will be varied and for different life situations.

I also plan to do creative projects where I will put my soul and meaning. But the fact is that it is difficult for me to sell such works, because this is the same as selling a “loved one”, so if such works are laid out, then in a single copy.

I will be sincerely glad to new

NFT URL: https://rarible.com/yurecs_surreal

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/yurecs_surreal

V4W.ENKO – intersection _energy 14

v4w.enko “intersection _energy 14” – the video and sound layers are generated in realtime. It shows the viewpoint closer to the structure of energy. Very limited edition and the sound is in special direction. Slow transformation. There is floating algorithms through the variations.

NFT URL: http://linktr.ee/v4w.enko

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/v4w_enko/status/1416647469287497730?s=20

Visheh – Love is Being Honest to Each Other

Unit Price
USD Unit Price

13 ETH


13 ETH


Created by
Only the owner of this piece will have the high quality of (600 dpi- H:3663 W:3719) What is “Love”? A hormone? An illusion? A fantasy or a day dream? A necessity or a predefined social concept? “Love is…” is a series of 13 detailed small-sized painting (15*15 cm) with the technique of traditional Persian Miniature (Gouache & Watercolor on Foam Board by very thin brushes made of few cat hair). This series represents the simple definitions of love in colorful utopian world of Persian Painting with combination of contemporary elements. Personages are nude and got soulless faces to obliterate their “Identity”. At first glance, these images seem naive and motionless, but with close consideration, the patience for painting million dots is appearing. In this series I inspired of my childhood which was coincided with 8-year war in Iran. After war, the first colorful images that I could remember, were belong to Russian chewing gum named “Love is…”. Like any other school girls, I also started to collect those images and I still have that collection.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/89689666112895993846670630346901642732331222438049621577027455292187699314691

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Visheh_Khatami?s=09