In the middle of comfort zone to find another serenity
NFT URL: http://hic.art/350931
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/malikasss_
In the middle of comfort zone to find another serenity
NFT URL: http://hic.art/350931
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/malikasss_
deepflow is an abstract machine learning artist.
Each piece is created using generative adversarial networks (GANs) combining proprietary abstract paintings and unique patterns to create digital animations.
Each creation’s title is unique and picked by an AI that was trained on a database of tens of thousands of song lyrics.
Every digital creation is original, exclusive and delivered individually by deepflow, minimizing human interaction to produce AI art.
This work is inspired by multiple colourful abstract paintings, reinterpreted through our generative adversarial network.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/deepflow_art
▲ The triangle is an ancient symbol of Deity or the divine union. It’s the strongest shape which is the culmination of mind, body, and spirit of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
● Meaning of the Cycle of Life and the World. The circle represents heaven, eternity, and the universe. It symbolizes the idea of unity, infinity, perfection, and utmost perfection. A circle limits an infinite space within, but the circular motion that makes up this space is infinite.
■ Spiritually, the square is meant to give us a sense of being grounded and balanced here in the physical world. We are physical beings that need structure, community, and direction in order to survive. The square gives us all of these survival needs.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@3D_artist
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/HGumenchuk
These dancers celebrate together during a Carnaval de Barranquilla’s Battle of The Flowers parade. This is what we Colombians do. People from different origins, commemorating every color, every folklore, every language that enriches Colombian culture, and the pride of being Latin American.
We are a society funded from diversity, and after decades of internal conflict, we understand that to thrive those differences should be summed to build up.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Dunatico/the-people-of-colombia-carnaval-de-barranquilla-61710
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/dunatico
ARC I / Archetype 001 / Tramontane
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way.”
– Georgia O’Keefe, Some Memories Of Drawings
Still wondering what is really going on …
Put a smile on for you. For you to feel better. For you not to worry. And are you even satisfied?! What a waste. How could I not turn mad?! Tschu Tschu whatever.
Surfing couple is a random thought that came while watching a movie. And I decided to make it in a manipulated way.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/dheereshmadhav
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Ech
Scheming and more scheming is almost all that Ech does. He wants to see everyone around him perish. He is truly evil in the most diabolical sense of the word. But what is evil? What makes every ROOMIE agree on that common definition for Ech? Is it because he wants do destroy the existence of both himself and everyone around him? If it were that simple then exiling him and isolating him from other ROOMIES would be the proper way to deal with him, but this isn’t the case. What about when he spreads fear to the ROOMIES around him and give them horrible nightmares that generally lowers their life quality? To be a force of such strong negativity that it drags those around into a dark pit must surely be a well earned definition of evil? Again the answer is no. Had this been the case then one would assume that Ech was lord over the feelings and will of others and could affect them in whichever way he wanted. This is absolutely not the case. Well, if that isn’t a good definition of the unanimous consensus of Ech being evil, then what is? The reason he is evil is the fact that the way he acts becomes a beacon of judgement for all other ROOMIES. Ech forces the ROOMIES around him to attribute their own prejudice and judgement upon himself. He makes them create distance and caution while they build up their arsenal both verbal and physical to keep him at bay. He is only evil because he makes others create evil in his image. And nothing can protect you from that except from your own stupidity, which is the true opposite to evil.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
Salvador Bulli
– Salvador Dali always in bullish mode with his famous mustache!
– celebrating the Bitcoin Adoption in Salvador the 07/09/21 in Andy Warhol style.
– limited editon –
– unique items –
– big enough to be printed for decoration 😉
normal “1 Dali” size : 1906 x 2560px
Big “4 Dali” size : 3796 x 5096px
created by AFK-Piscine
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/collection/salvadorbulli
To celebrate National #HispanicHeritageMonth only Twenty-One (21) will be minted to represent the 21 Spanish speaking countries of the world.
Rocket All-Stars: A digital sneaker collection for sneakerheads and footwear enthusiasts. Own your favorite style and color within this limited edition of custom-designed kicks.
NFT URL: https://RioRocket.com
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/theriorocket
The Penrose Paradox – Impossible shape
My first ever NFT on Foundation app only
NFT URL: http://foundation.app/macglubyy
Twitter Profile URL: twitter.com/@mcglubyy
I make art of baby.its my 1st nft which i want to sell.i don’t get buyer so lets help me to grow and make my day.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/susmayps?s=09
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Esus
Esus gives up all too fast. He looks upon the world with discontempt and would really prefer to be left to his own devices if he could. Any attempt made to make connections to the real world around him fails. He is an expert in melancholy and despair and always uses it as his weapon of choice in what he calls the losing war of life. Because who isn’t supposed to die, he says. Not a very thrilling prospect. As such, all subjects framed through this nihilistic window are bound to be cast under the logic of Esus. The battle of life becomes the battle for words when engaged with Esus, where only the most skillful rhetoric can bend his hardened choice of logic. It is all too easy to think of Esus as a villain that must be rehabilitated and made to see the good in the world, but behind the scenes Esus is clinging to the last thing he holds dear in life and that keeps him from losing his sanity. His impeccable logic and understanding of the world. Without this he would surely perish, as such, his words of nihilism are his sword and shield against opposing forces that want to take away from him what little he has left. He holds on for dear life, fighting an ultimately losing battle. It seems like Esus was right in the end, but for the wrong reasons.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
16 bit samurai girls Collection for the Polygon of beautiful and cute girls 16×16 pixel art. Inspired by anime about samurai, medieval Japanese culture and pop culture.
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/collection/samurai-girls
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/pixelascii?s=09
Abstract modern art. The main feature of which is that the original basis of many paintings is simple 3d models created specifically for this collection.
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/collection/tf3a
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/pixelascii?s=09
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Deya
Finally free. The feeling that a massive weight has been lifted off your shoulders is what Deya has woved her life to. Being a fighter for the rights of others she does everything in her power to protect the less represented and less privileged. Before she had found out who she was, she was more of a shy ROOMIE, always reacting to the acts of others, and very proficient at giving space to the ROOMIES around her. She spent most of her early years in contemplation, because she felt that something in her was not able to be free and live in the way that would be natural for her. One morning she was having an argument with other ROOMIES and she suddenly snapped. A boiling fire grew inside of her and there came a point where it could not be contained any longer. She burst out with her feelings and spread her own being all over the room. From this moment on she had no memory at all of how she was before. Now she took her place where she needed to, and gave it in a natural way to others if they were in need of it. She was free from some shackles that had bound her, and now that she no longer was bound by them, she put the ROOMIES around her in their place if they ever tried to infringe on others’ freedom or identity. Because this was who she was, and she just was acting this out. She had no other agenda than being herself, and she had a dream of making it possible for others to also experience the freedom she had found. Many ROOMIES suggested to her that she should become a politician, but for Deya this magical treasure she had found was not something to be used in political wars, but to be shared and nurtured among ROOMIES in environments without agenda. This was not about changing discourse, but living the life one wants. It was less about being a role model and more about being together.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
3D retro style digital art of my original painting titled Uncertain Symbiosis representing a woman floating in northern lights seemingly communicating and interacting with some cuttlefishes in a symbiosis like state. I like to think that behind the mask each one of us is capable to higher themselves to new dimensions where we can co-exist with all other beings.
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0xa421ee2cf9e23d995f6ec98453dd6db2672b4a88/19
Twitter Profile URL: @arttrixster
A view from inside the samurai stomach wound after seppuku, also called hara-kiri, the honourable method of taking one’s own life practiced by men of the samurai (military) class in feudal Japan.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/SenjuHa33165305
Samurai Blood represent : justice, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor, and loyalty.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/SenjuHa33165305
Traditionally Samurai tattoo worn as full-black, since samurai practiced living every day like it was their last. Traditional meaning they hold – Masculinity, Courage, Bravery, Self Discipline, Respect, To serve, warrior, life and death.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/SenjuHa33165305
Generative art create wntirely with code. When the sequence create the confusion
NFT URL: https://hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/282545
Twitter Profile URL: Http://twitter.comfractesko
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Castor
Castor has spent most of his life in the dungeons of his own castle. Here he has rummaged the halls searching for meaning. For what does one want when one has everything? The day Castor finally got everything he ever dreamed of he found himself hollow inside. What was the point of it all? Was it the journey here? He had always been aware of the value of processes and that a definite goal could not satiate the need for sustainable meaning. In all his endeavours he had this in mind, and enjoyed every bit of all the journeys he partook. But now there was nothing left. No more venues to explore, no more to be gained. He had become master of the atom and energy, even to the quantum level he had searched and mastered all variables. There was nothing left. What does one do when getting to this point. This is what Castor was pondering when rumaging the halls of his dungeons. An answer that he had feared for years started to emerge more and more clearly in his mind over the years. One day his vision became so clear that he could do nothing other than to follow it. He made his way up the stony steps of his keep, past suits of armor, and lavish tapestry. Higher and higher he climbed, all the while the sun started glinting through the window frames along the castle walls. The wind howling at this altitude, making its entrance into the staircase of the highest tower, making the tapestry and other ornaments vibrate at its presence. At long last Castor stood at the top of his kingdom. He looked over everything he had amassed with eagle precision, his eyes looking over everything he had achieved. He was master of everything, standing over it like a god. While here he shed a tear while his heart pumped stronger than ever before. He stared at all his achievements while they came hurtling towards him, embracing him like they had once done long before. They were united once again, forever. He who has everything truly has everything.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
I submitted below a photo of a painting I designed. I would love to show you more of my work and also join your nft art exhibit!
NFT URL: http://reflectionoflove.com
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Moth
Moth flies wherever he pleases. He flutters around a light in one moment, and in the next he sits still looking at the world around him, not understanding much, but also not needing too. There is an innate sense of wonder within Moth that can’t accurately be described, but it can be felt by the ROOMIES around him. Whenever he lays his eyes upon something they turn big and his pupils dilate so much that both his eyes become almost black as night. What goes on inside of Moth’s head is not easy to say. He doesn’t say much, although when he does he utters the most bizarre phrases. “On there buss further, it’s me” or “while I can’t, how you and me” are examples of his phrases. Whatever might go on in his head one thing is very clear. The way he lives his life brings meaning, and he is never grumpy. Of course, sometimes he is scared and threatened by the things around him, like with anyone in life, but in most situations his ability to be in awe of the things around him takes priority and he is able to experience meaning and fascination. When things get too complicated for other ROOMIES they look to Moth for guidance, and more often than not they find that adopting his approach is a way to solve the most complicated of circumstances.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
This NFT is based on a photorealistic oil painting that I did some years ago. In Cuba, the island where I was born and live, we have a popular phrase that had use for many years and which referred to people who left the country and they were never known again, it was said that they had taken “The Coca Cola that makes you forget” referring to the fact that Coca Cola, a symbol of new life, made them forget their past on the island, which for many had been bitter. This work tried to represent the rupture of that idea during the rapprochement between both cultures a few years ago. For me is pure popular culture, it arose at the same moment that relations between the people of Cuba and the United States were resumed after almost 60 years, it is an unequivocal reflection of the cultural shock that was lived in Havana in those years. It was like a party, where you must break your old way of seeing things to give way to a new thoudght.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/_Pedro_Pablo_?s=20
My artwork is a combination of photography, video, digital imaging and appropriation.
Much of my work is based in the intuitive sense of what it means to exist and the very meaning of the Being in the Phenomenological sense. Being in the world we are fundamentally familiar with the world and our surroundings and this familiarity is a constant feature and experience to us, although Being is not constantly aware of it.
NFT URL: https://www.aeneas.co/
Twitter Profile URL: @aeneas60
Samurai TNT, this is not just a samurai. This can be use as a scene where you could put inside a game and nobody know it’s a samurai until they view from far away.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/SenjuHa33165305
BEST original vaporwave nfts
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/collection/vaporwavecolection
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/VaporNft?s=09