A Soothing 1/1 original photograph of a Great lakes freighter coming off of Lake huron, and entering the St. Mary’s river shipping channel
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/Aheacock
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/AlexanderHeaco1
A Soothing 1/1 original photograph of a Great lakes freighter coming off of Lake huron, and entering the St. Mary’s river shipping channel
NFT URL: https://opensea.io/Aheacock
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/AlexanderHeaco1
This is my genesis piece for Known Origin.
The original photos were taken whilst in Iceland in 2015, which I then spliced together and added to.
Mixed Media: Photography & Digital Illustration
Adobe Photoshop
4160 x 3120 / 1/1 Edition
NFT URL: https://knownorigin.io/gallery/595200-arrival
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/DigitalGyoza
‘The Frostbite Centre’ is one of “The Pool of Soul” collection that’s all my spirit was exposed
NFT URL: https://www.enter.art/artist/zam_zib_jed/
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ZAMZIBJED?s=09
It’s just a square man. No feeling, no emotion, just a killer mustache.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FeltnerIii
-Image size: 36,2 MB
-Resolution: 5906*5906 px
Often in life I’m at crossroads and it’s hard to know which path to choose.
By the guidance of my mind, I come to dark dead ends at times.
Some say wear your heart on your sleeve and you are free.
But then so are the wild beasts that it attracts.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@olipoe
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/_olipoe
How the Coronavirus has change the way – community, economy and culture. Driven in part by the increasing turn to online life during the Covid-19 pandemic. A new way for people to connect with metaverse opportunity.
Twitter Profile URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/shithappens_07
Meet Evil Goober!!! She is a henchmen level demon. She likes to find her way to the Earthly realm and cause mischief and cause minor injury. By herself she can’t do much, but usually you will find many little Evil Goobers around one another. They just work better that way.
Evil Goober isn’t one for conversation and really doesn’t care what you want to do or have to say. Her primary goal is to accomplish her mission at hand. Watch out for Evil Goober as she may come around and tie your shoe strings together.
Evil Goober is 024/100 in the collectible series.
100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.
All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.
Rarity Levels –
001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary
At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.
If you have questions or comments, please email: davidefeltner@hotmail.com. You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FeltnerIii
NFT image of my original piece “Perception of Change”
Sit back, relax and stare into the multitude of fall like colors. See the change occur before you. What do you perceive?
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FeltnerIii
BULUBULU (Fluffy breeds) : It’s amazing -fun things series about my children
Twitter Profile URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/shithappens_07
Meet Clown Goober!!! He wanders around the circus maniacally laughing. He is really a nice guy, but people judge him because he cannot stop laughing. He loves to make jokes and poke fun at on lookers.
After circus hours Clown hangs out with the sideshow freaks. They often times play Russian roulette and drink massive amount of alcohol.
Clown Goober is 027/100 in the collectible series.
100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.
All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.
Rarity Levels –
001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary
At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.
If you have questions or comments, please email: davidefeltner@hotmail.com. You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FeltnerIii
From Rio/Brazil. Lived in moment in New Zealand. Poet Photographer. In the last 6 years I have been in 17 countries by bike and backpack. Digital artist/Drone Pilot.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Negraof
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/fabionegrao
I have only one thing to do and that’s
Be the wave that I am and then
Sink back into the ocean…
42 layers of photos, drawnings and “paiting”. Finished and detailed with digital touch.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Cavenaghi/c-ntainer-70167
Twitter Profile URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/whoiscavenaghi
Meet Demon Goober!!! Demon Goober is the big boss in the Netherworld. He is the one that gives all the Evil Goobers their orders. His day typically consists of him ordering around lesser evils and taking the occasional break to engage in a nice nap.
Demon Goober is 026/100 in the collectible series.
100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.
All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.
Rarity Levels –
001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary
At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.
If you have questions or comments, please email: davidefeltner@hotmail.com. You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.
Meet Neko Goober!!! Neko is a lucky cat that sit on shelves and windows just filling the room with good luck and positive vibes. If you need a friend that will keep the negativity away then look no further than Neko Goober!
Neko Goober is 025/100 in the collectible series.
100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.
All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.
Rarity Levels –
001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary
At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.
If you have questions or comments, please email: davidefeltner@hotmail.com. You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FeltnerIii
Meet Multi Goober!!! Multi has 5 different personalities, which makes him lots of fun. He never gets any sleep because the heads won’t shut up. Instead of sleeping he just spends his time binge watching episodes of Star Trek.
Multi Goober is 040/100 in the collectible series.
100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.
All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.
Rarity Levels –
001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary
At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.
If you have questions or comments, please email: davidefeltner@hotmail.com.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/FeltnerIii
Animated Art NFT
NFT URL: https://mintable.app/art/item/The-Edit-Kurt/u90CaN9UUt4nmBb
Twitter Profile URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/CastagnaChelsea
I bring to your attention an illustration of my night dream!
A gloomy surrealistic world with a low, constantly spiraling firmament, to which huge buildings stretch out from under the ground.
The work was called “ДОМ” (“Home”)
(This is digitization of my nightdreams.)
*From the collection “My favorite nightmares”
“They say that when you wake up from a nightmare, you feel relief that it was just a dream. But when I wake up from a nightmare, I regret that this is not reality”
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Ivakhnenko_art/nft-72111
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Ivakhnenko_Art
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Dirk
Among grains of sand lives Dirk. He fights a calming battle for existence in between. He is the feeling of sand moving through your hand, slipping, running like water, leaving residue which you might call dirt. This is what he identifies with. It is also where his name comes from. He is neither the clean hand, nor the running of sand that permeates the kinesthetic sense. He is the residue. The forever in between and after. He follows where the masses go, but leaves an almost invisible imprint every time. He is the moment of thought found in every moment, and every action, and every detail that surrounds us. The feeling of happiness followed by mild sorrow, unexplained. Nothing more, nothing less, but still there.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Harentus
A writer of many books. A lover of symbols and cyphers. This is Harentus. A good and quiet ROOMIE who spends most of his time with the written word. When reading and writing his mind is swishing and swirling from one synapse to the next. A great narrative unfolds with no apparent meaning, within his skull, only given meaning and context when expressed through the symbols he so dearly loves. With these he weaves together powerful passages, soft and searing poems, and descriptions of the unspeakable emotions which lie within all of us. Harentus has a gift of giving us meaning from chaos. What first was random sparks of electricity is now a foundation on which we can build a great empire of knowledge and meaning.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
This is the second installment of the Japanese Tatami series. In this work, the edge of a tatami mat is photographed under a microscope and processed to look like a kaleidoscope. Isn’t it beautiful?
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/J_cryptoart
Abstract painting on glass. A mixture of acrylic paint, sand, and vegetable oil. We painted on one piece of glass then we put a piece of glass on top of that glass. The paint it stayed wet on the inside for months. Then like it came it went. The Painting was shattered.
a poem broken down insights all the greater unknown by the wayside blessed by itself he reflected i digressed he interjected as our eyes meet we felt as though we had been there in that moment forever truth betold it was the first time i ever had really looked in the mirror. who was it that spoke to me? GREEN IS TALKING
Twitter Profile URL: Www.Twitter.com/layer_ll
Divine Creation stopped frame
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@bearboxcg/divine-creation-stopped-frame-72147
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/bearboxcg/status/1426588734368190467
ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.
Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!
About: Silvia
She knocks first, and then she enters. Always being polite and humble, but afterwards always repaying herself
In spades by claiming the liberty she so carefully placed in others’ hands just a moment prior. She can be a bit much sometimes, but at least there is always excitement and good entertainment when Silvia is around. One cannot guess at the age of Silvia. She looks both old and frail, and young and energetic. Her skinn in the one moment creasing together like a head pressed against a pillow, and in the next moment as perky as a newly bought, newly inflated beach ball. Her personality reflecting the same. Everyone loves Silvia when they have had their breakfast and are ready for a trip to action-ville, and many hate Silvia after a long day of work. Go figure.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija
Art / Author: Derlis Santacruz – Technique: Digital inking black and white artwork – Character: Eva – Month and year of creation: March 2021
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/derlis_art
I’m a designer living in japan.
I will show you Greatful collage arts .
NFT URL: https://hrysbasics.com
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/HrysBasics
The second bot combined with nature, a series of 10 bots that come with robotic parts or machines to survive global warming.
The collection will be 10 incredible pieces.
1.-Fish bot 1
2.-Bee bot 2
The winner of this NFT will receive a video, contact me on Twitter once it is in your wallet.
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@bearboxcg/bee-bot-2-71026
Art / Author: Derlis Santacruz – Technique: Full color digital artwork – Character cosplay- Month and year of creation: June 2021
NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Derlis_Santacruz_Art/cosplay-01-46163
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/derlis_art
Japanese tatami mats have been photographed under a microscope and processed to look like a kaleidoscope. Look closely. Do you see the shadow of a tatami?
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/J_cryptoart
I create the series of Daisy the girl who left me 12 years ago. She was so special and my memories of her are very alive and I try to put them in one piece of work. I hope you enjoy. Find more at chambermusicartworks.com/nft-space
Daisy is the school diva that many boys want to have, her beauty beyond any boy’s imagination when imagining porn stars. I’m just an ordinary person in the school, almost nobody notices me, but fate was on my side for a moment when I managed to make her fall in love, she took my first kiss and took my hours almost every night.
Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ninja433work