Tarjei Lienig – No. 2 – 1st Gen SUMMER TRUST (ROOMIE) – Old Olderson

Stable and dreamy, with a heart of gold and a patience like a saint, Old Olderson comes back home from a long day at work. He talks about what the day has brought and listens intently to you when you share your passions. Always there, never wavering.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771438210729639937

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Tarjei Lienig – No. 1 – 1st Gen SPRING HUGGER (ROOMIE) – Mr. Small Heart

Mr Small Heart is very shy and afraid to go outside of his comfort zone, but he has big dreams to do great things some day. The other day he almost opened that front door to go out into the sunshine, but not quite yet.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771437111218012161

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Jey Zaardastaan – Twist of Entity

Human has insights and tendencies. Insight is the knowledge that a person acquires over time about his environment; Cognition that is the result of experience and science. It is the tendency, desires and material and spiritual needs of man that stimulate his growth, development, evolution and excellence in various fields. Correct orientation to human
tendencies is one of the duties of reason and science.

Created on July 20, 2021
1920⨯1080pxl / 25 fps / 30 s
( Sound On )

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Jey/twist-of-entity-67491

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Jeyzaar


Quantum Love

Seek me in the warmth of the eternal sun
whose light shines upon us at the dawn
Seek me under the silver moonlight
As it rips apart the vengeful night
Take my hand, fly with me to the ancient land
Where stars made a pact with the ever-flowing ocean of the sand
Walk with me through the looming streets of delight
As the turquoise pearls turn into blue, green, into white
And when the wind calls thee by thy name
Burn the ashes, Seek me in the flame.

This piece illustrates that architecture as a context, in which every moment of our lives is defined, can profoundly affect human social and private interactions. Places that we see every day can shape our memories, our perception of people, and even our emotions, such as love, as human beings.

• Technique: Post Digital Painting
• Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Camtasia
• Dimensions: 3000 × 3000 Pixels
• Resolution: 300 DPI
• Size: 44.2 MB


NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@amirebrahimian

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/AmirEbrahimia10

ottopix – World War : Biological War

Corona virus has invaded the modern society of the 21st century. Even if vaccines and treatments are developed, it is unclear whether this situation can be easily resolved because the coronavirus causes serious mutations. Against a vague enemy that threatens survival, humanity has entered a more fearful and long war than any previous world war. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the COVID-19 pandemic is the Third World War, which started as a biological warfare.

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@ottopix

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/otto_pix

Joshua – Dennis the Oldman

His faded brown wrinkled skin creased into a fake smile. He has masses of wrinkles round his eyes with uncountable frown lines across his forehead.

He walks with a long black walking stick that glistens in the sunlight as he bangs it against the ground. His legs shake and so do his hands as he walks.

He never laughs, on the rare occasion that he does, it’s more of a cackle than a laugh. A terrible cackle, the worst of sounds.

When he speaks, he always has something bad to say. It’s normally, “Don’t come here or I’ll whack you with my stick”. His voice is deep and croaky and scares people away.

His greatest dream would be to lock all children away and get rid of the key. He is a mean, twisted, old man.

He has no fears. He is ruthless and would be happy if the whole world just disappeared…

NFT URL: https://mintable.app/collectibles/item/Dennis-the-Old-Man-3-He-smiles-because-he-sees-everything-falling-before-his-eyes/LzMjEgAIQp077GT

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ninja433work

Joshua – Daisy the Planner

Saturday February 2009, at the time I made an appointment with her to meet in the school library via sms, and I do not know what will happen even though we’ve talked about this before. when we met face to face, only teenage shyness dominated our feelings, then she turned his back on me and asked me to hug her, then she turned his face to mine and there was a kiss. my first kiss with the girl that I loved, school diva at the time. Our scenario already has designed overnight by sms which we imagine will happen. She left me 2 months later.

NFT URL: https://mintable.app/collectibles/item/Daisy-the-Planer-2-a-short-story-with-the-girl-who-broke-my-heart-many-years-ago/8vH3J0QswoTugU3

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ninja433work

Doodlz – Model + Follow = Success

“Each and every one of us has been born into a given historical reality, ruled by particular norms and values, and managed by a unique economic and political system. We take this reality for granted, thinking it is natural, inevitable and immutable. We forget that our world was created by an accidental chain of events, and that history shaped not only our technology, politics and society, but also our thoughts, fears and dreams. The cold hand of the past emerges from the grave of our ancestors, grips us by the neck and directs our gaze towards a single future. We have felt that grip from the moment we were born, so we assume that it is a natural and inescapable part of who we are. Therefore we seldom try to shake ourselves free, and envision alternative futures.”
― Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

The wisdom contained in this passage alone encapsulates what “Model + Follow = Success” aims to relay. Cultural programming otherwise known as Mother Culture, gives rise to the many facets of what influences individual’s realities and perspectives. It not only is a predetermination to generations before now and those yet to come but serves as a societal mechanism, designed to churn out people who can easily find purpose within the confines of what another determines as natural and subsequently, the course of our lives. The question that I was asked when pursuing my Art degrees in college was, “Why are you here?”. This same question was asked not only to me but to everyone else in the classroom. The answers provided ranged from, “I want to make more money”, “I want to become x,y,z”, “I want to make a living”. The most impactful answer that most could not zero in on was “I am here so I can be successful”. Whether you believe it or not, higher education institutions are a business. Every business has a model in which it’s practices and services are carried out with the goal of profit in mind. Let’s put a pin in that for a moment. So, we have established to a certain degree, at least from my own scenario and perspective, that people often pursue this now traditional and expected act that symbolizes the sole effort of someone who wishes to be successful. This idea of success is one that is facilitated but also perpetuated by the institutions that lead many developing minds to become what they are and find their purpose in life. But, and this is a big but….this is simply a model for what culture has developed and impressed upon every one of us-if you want to be successful, go to school. If you want to be______ or do _____ then follow this model because it will make you successful. Granted, there is a myriad of grey areas and various arguments that can be made in opposition to what I say. However, without digressing further, let’s move forward with these ideas in mind. You. The individual that you are, came into this world with a preordained path that has been in the making since the agricultural revolution. Our destinies are not our own. Mother Culture presses it’s agenda onto us right from birth. We merely are assimilating to this idea of success. We inherently follow this model with the hope and belief that it will elevate our status in life or grant us the power to achieve our dreams. This in reality only further dilutes our willingness to think outside the bounds of this reality but rather attempt to creatively work within them. I am just as guilty as you for following such a model. Am I anymore successful than the individual who believes they have not acquiesced? No. We are no different. The measure of success alone is yet another model set in place. The idea my life or your life will be any more complete once we live in a house, drive a certain car, or even care responsibly for our children never guarantees anything and leaves the individual that much more delusional and dissatisfied. In short, I am no different than any other person and because of this I am now roughly $77,000 in debt from student loans. Do I harbor animosity towards this fact? No, not at all. But, like any artist in the attempt to be clever, I have incorporated into this visually simplistic piece aspects of this interesting microcosm some, if not all exist in. Each of us programmed to follow a model in pursuit of a greater existence in this form that we understand as success. For these reasons, this NFT will be listed at the sum total of my own student debt. A cheeky attempt to pay it off? Sure! But, this piece will forever represent my decision and in turn be a visual reminder of these ideas and models that we and myself included, subscribe to. Like a bottomless well, we throw the life blood of society in hopes we net a profitable return.

NFT URL: https://www.doodlz-art.com

Twitter Profile URL: Https://www.Twitter.com/doodlz3

Dimitrios James Iordanidis – HUMBLEBEE V2

Limited 1 of 1
Image taken and designed by DeltaSigma.

Bumblebee is a fictional robot superhero in the many continuities in the Transformers franchise. The character is a member of the Autobots, a group of sentient self-configuring modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms.

But this Humblebee V2 has some attitude and crazy burst of colors …

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/42159712999449067907113964145691135009780602862476765281330278093256338178049

Twitter Profile URL: @NftDeltasigma

Dimitrios James Iordanidis – WARRIORS

Limited 1 of 1 WARRIORS MP4. Designed by DeltaSigma.

When you employ your warrior spirit thoughtfully, it manifests itself as clarity, focus, determination, courage, consistency, and an unflappable zest for life. The warrior views hurdles as evolutionary opportunities and is not afraid to pursue a purpose to its conclusion.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/42159712999449067907113964145691135009780602862476765281330278096554873061377

Twitter Profile URL: @NftDeltasigma

Dipesh Mohanty – Onslaught #1- Ren

Ren the telekinetic mutant,roams the neon scratched outbacks filled with drones and marauders, tearing down every machine and prowler in her way in search of Edward Soren,founder of the Electric Eye Program which makes it mandatory for people outside of cities to wear collar IDs and be monitored by his drones.Ren however,does not mind the spying.In fact,she feels much better knowing that he’s aware of what’s coming.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/86331264018066467532172744745965731766901482666216728165363477603683594665985

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ent_march

Mamatism – You Don’t Mess with The Cat

Cat is uneducated, don’t expect you can do some business with Cat.
Cat live wild instinct, human life in the city.
Cat doesn’t have manners, don’t expect politeness.
Cat can’t speak with humans, don’t think you know what they want
A cat can move quickly and has a claw to defend.

That’s why You Don’t Mess with The Cat.

NFT URL: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/191536

Twitter Profile URL: http://twitter.com/mamatism