Akihiro_369 – Tenmoku

I was attracted by the mysterious aesthetics reflected in the most beautiful and mysterious tea bowl in the history of ceramics in the world (called “Yohentenmoku / 曜変天目”).

I found the breathtaking beauty of the “universe” in the scenery within the curvy tea bowl and this experience drove me to somehow express this impression in the flat world. After expressing it on canvas at first, I attempted it on copperplate this time – this is how “Tenmoku” was born.

The work is based on the viscosity printing (Hayter method) invented by S.W. Hayter, the founder of Atelier 17, an experimental print studio in Paris that pioneered the art world in the last century.

This work has been featured/exhibited as below:

Featured on Asahi Shimbun (Hyogo Prefecture edition), February 2020
Exhibited at KANDAI MERISE (Umeda, Osaka) in August, 2020.

世界の陶芸史上でも最も美しく、そして最大の謎に包まれた幻の茶碗 (曜変天目)に映し出された神秘的な美しさに惹かれました。

茶碗の景色に息を飲むような美しさ「宇宙」を観ました。 この感動を何とかして平面の世界で表現してみたい衝動に駆られ制作しました。


■ 2020年2月 朝日新聞(兵庫県版)掲載
■ 2020年8月  KANDAI MERISE(大阪梅田) 展示

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/51468396969089296473409642411987562847327701559101507114512001463565701611521


The number of stars in a galaxy varies, but assuming an average of 100 billion stars per galaxy means that there are about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that’s 1 billion trillion) stars in the observable universe!

NFT URL: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:1144326?tab=details

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/MatrixOOmouse?t=xI1RK_JQ3FDIC0okzTAWcA&s=09

Helen Huang – Solana Portraits

Solana Portraits are customized portraits that are minted on the #Solana blockchain! you can also use them as your pfp 👀

You can choose your own traits: from your eye and hair color, to even the background – anything you can think of! you can even include your pet in your portrait 🐶🐱

We also do themes for Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day for couple portraits, and more!

NFT URL: https://www.solanaportraits.com

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/solanaportraits

tabineco – tuxedocat #1

tuxedocat#1 November 2022

細部までネコらしさを表現したポリゴンデザインは モノクロームでもわかる瞳の美しさです


展示会用はカラーでの作品ですが こちらは限定のモノクロームとなります。

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/102407479283045564008405083433524045340596997260581649355703342775502689533953

Kusan – Kusan

The personification of the sword, which is said known as the “life of the Japanese samurai”. Although this is a sword called “獣刀 (Juto)” as it resembles the shape of beasts, I created this work based on the idea of Japanese sword which is held by the samurai.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/69834811623796439904368904856701728856030951800290970241510306984063492161537

Sebs jacklin – Broken with neon

Sebs Jacklin Collection: Broken with Neon Experimenting with Neon reflections and Pattern Glass formations. Broken with Neon is a Collaboration of styles and digital manipulation techniques accumulated over a 20-year creative journey by Sebs Jacklin. Using a combination of AI Python OpenGL Labs multi language programming and taking source imagery from everyday street objects. Sebs Jacklin has produced this theme-based AI production entitled Broken with Neon. All NFT Tokens use a creative hybrid process, combining the power of Artificial Intelligence and Human Ingenuity. The Broken with Neon, NFT Collection was designed and minted using the following formula: Source Image Captured x Pixel Ratio adjustment x (AI) unique variation Command Prompt Generation x 4-fold python language-image selection. This Algorithm produced the final image as a Minted NFT

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/Sebs_Jacklin

svalvald – A sweet and gentle flower of love that blooms in winter


Winter sweet came to Japan in the early Edo period and has long been prized by the Japanese as a flower that blooms in winter when there are few flowers. Also, winter sweet flowers have a sweet and gentle scent, and the flower language is affection. They gently watch over us as we look forward to the arrival of spring. Winter sweet takes 6 to 7 years to bloom after being planted in the garden. By nurturing them with care, we can make cute flowers bloom.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/20028307727850115882817853997836782742052943532379942239703042043639257628673