benoit vidal – TV show 1987 has BTC logo and then gets lost !

The content of NFT was made from a video edited in 1987 where my father is interviewed in a museum where he exhibits his creations.
He worked hard every day between his family life and his art.
He was passionate about surfing and art.
He was a hippie, a peaceful activist and a thinker.
Unfortunately, he died while freediving in order to become stronger to surf in difficult conditions.
The records of this interview are lost and this is all that remains of him.
His death has meant a difficult life for our whole family.
We had few resources and as the commentator states in the interview, my mother worked to give my father the opportunity to practice his art.
My mother, my older brother and I suffered.
Today, we are grown up, we are nourished by his love, his passion for art.
Late in life I discovered the VHS tape of his interview. I had already invested about 50 euros in crypto-currency out of curiosity. When I discovered in this video that the logo of the show was BTC, I jumped on my seat. Could this be a message to extend the work of my father through the NFT community, the crypto community in general?
From a physical art, on metals, wood, real works of art questioning the symbolism in our lives, to a video on magnetic tape, to an exciting digital creation, then linked to the history of the blockchain and therefore potentially immortal?
I even imagined, insofar as this project would have a real impact, transforming my life, transforming the lives of others, by using a part of the sale of his NFT, to create a foundation to save nature and finance plans to clean up the oceans.
The French national archives have no record of this program. Neither do local archives.
I am both surprised and pleased. I can thus exploit this material at my leisure.
I’m taking small steps forward. This video carries a comic sense that deserves to be seen as a whole. I am discovering this field and I hope to make a project that will go down in history.


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Andrey Subbotko – Immortal Books

I called this work “Immortal Books”.
Today, in the 21st century, computer technologies are widely used. The products of the creative work of writers and authors are being digitized everywhere, applications with large online libraries are being created.
On the one hand, it helps writers to convey their creativity to people, to find their audience, on the other hand, it is convenient and saves time for readers. On the Internet, you can find and download a book that is not available in stores, you can easily read books in the original language.
Everything is being digitized and developed, it seems that books are becoming less relevant. Does it seem so or is it really so? A question that time will give you an answer to.
In my work, I depicted several old, dusty books lying on the shelves in the captain’s cabin of a pirate ship. Thick folios bring to descendants immortal knowledge, wisdom and truth, relevant at all times.
I know that books carry not only knowledge, but also evoke memories. There is a soul in books. Therefore, they are immortal.


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Omo Shango – African Art NFTs

Bringing these pieces into the realm of NFTs will ensure their longevity and allow future generations access to these ancient, sacred, and powerful energies

This NFTs is inspired by the actual physical pieces of African Art in the possession of current NFT owner who is the NFTsArtist. The physical piece of art is also available for sale.
.African spiritual art is ancient art usually used in sacred rituals that possess ancestral and natural energies used for protection, clarity, divination, drawing wealth and prosperity among others uses. Some African spiritual art possess secrets only accessible to initiates and tribal members. We now know that through the principle of entanglement and some of the other fundamental scientific quantitative concepts, one can access these energies through interaction with these pieces.


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Oliver Pocsik – Split Decisions

-Image size: 36,2 MB
-Resolution: 5906*5906 px

Often in life I’m at crossroads and it’s hard to know which path to choose.
By the guidance of my mind, I come to dark dead ends at times.
Some say wear your heart on your sleeve and you are free.
But then so are the wild beasts that it attracts.


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Shithappens – Crypto Metaverse City

How the Coronavirus has change the way – community, economy and culture. Driven in part by the increasing turn to online life during the Covid-19 pandemic. A new way for people to connect with metaverse opportunity.


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David Feltner III – Evil Goober 024/100

Meet Evil Goober!!! She is a henchmen level demon. She likes to find her way to the Earthly realm and cause mischief and cause minor injury. By herself she can’t do much, but usually you will find many little Evil Goobers around one another. They just work better that way.

Evil Goober isn’t one for conversation and really doesn’t care what you want to do or have to say. Her primary goal is to accomplish her mission at hand. Watch out for Evil Goober as she may come around and tie your shoe strings together.

Evil Goober is 024/100 in the collectible series.

100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.

All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.

Rarity Levels –

001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary

At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.

If you have questions or comments, please email: You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.


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David Feltner III – Perception of Change

NFT image of my original piece “Perception of Change”

Sit back, relax and stare into the multitude of fall like colors. See the change occur before you. What do you perceive?


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David Feltner III – Clown Goober 027/100

Meet Clown Goober!!! He wanders around the circus maniacally laughing. He is really a nice guy, but people judge him because he cannot stop laughing. He loves to make jokes and poke fun at on lookers.

After circus hours Clown hangs out with the sideshow freaks. They often times play Russian roulette and drink massive amount of alcohol.

Clown Goober is 027/100 in the collectible series.

100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.

All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.

Rarity Levels –

001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary

At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.

If you have questions or comments, please email: You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.


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David Feltner III – Demon Goober 026/100

Meet Demon Goober!!! Demon Goober is the big boss in the Netherworld. He is the one that gives all the Evil Goobers their orders. His day typically consists of him ordering around lesser evils and taking the occasional break to engage in a nice nap.

Demon Goober is 026/100 in the collectible series.

100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.

All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.

Rarity Levels –

001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary

At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.

If you have questions or comments, please email: You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.


David Feltner III – Neko Goober 025/100

Meet Neko Goober!!! Neko is a lucky cat that sit on shelves and windows just filling the room with good luck and positive vibes. If you need a friend that will keep the negativity away then look no further than Neko Goober!

Neko Goober is 025/100 in the collectible series.

100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.

All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.

Rarity Levels –

001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary

At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.

If you have questions or comments, please email: You can also send contact me, David Feltner III at (317) 712-7599.


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David Feltner III – Multi Goober

Meet Multi Goober!!! Multi has 5 different personalities, which makes him lots of fun. He never gets any sleep because the heads won’t shut up. Instead of sleeping he just spends his time binge watching episodes of Star Trek.

Multi Goober is 040/100 in the collectible series.

100 Unique and exclusive 1/1 collectible NFTs. Goobers are their own species that I created. The purpose of the 100 Goobers project is to foster community engagement and to provide a fun, exciting new collectible. I am always thinking of new and exciting ways to change each Goober. I want each one to have their own feel and story behind the character.

All Goobers have individual attributes, special characteristics and rarity levels. They also contain unlockable content.

Rarity Levels –

001-060 Common 061-085 Uncommon 086-095 Rare 096-100 Legendary

At this stage in development we are launching the Goobers multiple times a month/week. We are changing to this release format to accommodate my Crohn’s disease. I apologize in advance, if this has caused somebody distrust or a reduced belief in the #Goobers.

If you have questions or comments, please email:


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Andrey Ivakhnenko – ДОМ

I bring to your attention an illustration of my night dream!
A gloomy surrealistic world with a low, constantly spiraling firmament, to which huge buildings stretch out from under the ground.
The work was called “ДОМ” (“Home”)

(This is digitization of my nightdreams.)
*From the collection “My favorite nightmares”

“They say that when you wake up from a nightmare, you feel relief that it was just a dream. But when I wake up from a nightmare, I regret that this is not reality”


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Tarjei Lienig – 1/1 MUSIC NFT No. 80 – 9th Gen AUTUMN REACH – Dirk

ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.

Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!

About: Dirk

Among grains of sand lives Dirk. He fights a calming battle for existence in between. He is the feeling of sand moving through your hand, slipping, running like water, leaving residue which you might call dirt. This is what he identifies with. It is also where his name comes from. He is neither the clean hand, nor the running of sand that permeates the kinesthetic sense. He is the residue. The forever in between and after. He follows where the masses go, but leaves an almost invisible imprint every time. He is the moment of thought found in every moment, and every action, and every detail that surrounds us. The feeling of happiness followed by mild sorrow, unexplained. Nothing more, nothing less, but still there.


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