Tarjei Lienig – 1/1 MUSIC NFT No. 79 – 9th Gen SPRING HUGGER – Harentus

ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE 1/1 MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.

Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!

About: Harentus

A writer of many books. A lover of symbols and cyphers. This is Harentus. A good and quiet ROOMIE who spends most of his time with the written word. When reading and writing his mind is swishing and swirling from one synapse to the next. A great narrative unfolds with no apparent meaning, within his skull, only given meaning and context when expressed through the symbols he so dearly loves. With these he weaves together powerful passages, soft and searing poems, and descriptions of the unspeakable emotions which lie within all of us. Harentus has a gift of giving us meaning from chaos. What first was random sparks of electricity is now a foundation on which we can build a great empire of knowledge and meaning.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771434912194756609

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Jun_kondo – japanese TATAMI#2

This is the second installment of the Japanese Tatami series. In this work, the edge of a tatami mat is photographed under a microscope and processed to look like a kaleidoscope. Isn’t it beautiful?

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/52615348514737977383465760867946834813808376247568404312311792194553301172225

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/J_cryptoart

Layer ll – 49 – Green Is Talking

Abstract painting on glass. A mixture of acrylic paint, sand, and vegetable oil. We painted on one piece of glass then we put a piece of glass on top of that glass. The paint it stayed wet on the inside for months. Then like it came it went. The Painting was shattered.

a poem broken down insights all the greater unknown by the wayside blessed by itself he reflected i digressed he interjected as our eyes meet we felt as though we had been there in that moment forever truth betold it was the first time i ever had really looked in the mirror. who was it that spoke to me? GREEN IS TALKING


NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/49004350422641323964216046610938913056030361365335976996740690218670566146049

Twitter Profile URL: Www.Twitter.com/layer_ll

Tarjei Lienig – MUSIC NFT No. 78 – 9th Gen AUTUMN STING – Silvia

ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.

Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!

About: Silvia

She knocks first, and then she enters. Always being polite and humble, but afterwards always repaying herself
In spades by claiming the liberty she so carefully placed in others’ hands just a moment prior. She can be a bit much sometimes, but at least there is always excitement and good entertainment when Silvia is around. One cannot guess at the age of Silvia. She looks both old and frail, and young and energetic. Her skinn in the one moment creasing together like a head pressed against a pillow, and in the next moment as perky as a newly bought, newly inflated beach ball. Her personality reflecting the same. Everyone loves Silvia when they have had their breakfast and are ready for a trip to action-ville, and many hate Silvia after a long day of work. Go figure.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771521773613350913

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Joshua A – Daisy was my Sky at Dawn

I create the series of Daisy the girl who left me 12 years ago. She was so special and my memories of her are very alive and I try to put them in one piece of work. I hope you enjoy. Find more at chambermusicartworks.com/nft-space

Daisy is the school diva that many boys want to have, her beauty beyond any boy’s imagination when imagining porn stars. I’m just an ordinary person in the school, almost nobody notices me, but fate was on my side for a moment when I managed to make her fall in love, she took my first kiss and took my hours almost every night.

NFT URL: https://mintable.app/collectibles/item/Daisy-was-my-Sky-at-Dawn-6-She-was-my-first-on-everything-in-my-adolescence/XdhYvDL17sy65sB

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/ninja433work

Tarjei Lienig – MUSIC NFT No. 77 – 9th Gen WINTER MANGLER – Meoreesus

ROOMIES are COLLECTIBLE MUSIC NFT’s with unique personalities which live together in the blockchain, giving it a soul. ROOMIES are sound and feelings combined. With their own will, mind, levels and stats they are perfect for adventurous collectors who want to collect music in an original way.

Comes with unlockable content from the recording session!

About: Meoreesus

What is variation? What is change? To some extent one could say that this is what Meoreesus wanted to embody during his developing years. He wanted to be everything while at the same time be able to adapt to each situation he found himself in. He thought many hours on the mechanics behind change and found his own answer. “Change is to not be yourself, therefore I cannot do what is natural to me”. Depending on who you ask, this statement might be a key to life or a sentence to the worst prison imaginable. For Meoreesus it just felt like he lived his life with his mind set to whatever his mind was set to. Weather he was often happy, or often sad, and what the overall balance of these two ingredients were, we don’t know. But following Meoreesus’ logic, he would have to be in eternal torment since his philosophy is to never be himself while always feeling at home with the absence of stability.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771520674101723137

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Nathaniel Synge Murray – Two Virgos

90x100cm oil on canvas 2020
A man and a woman, both weirdo perfectionists, so similar yet just like trying to stick two magnets together, impossible to connect.
An Adam and Eve meeting where Eden has been scorched, desolated.
They are like two sides of a coin, attached but never together.
A strange love destined to never work.

NFT URL: http://www.natmurray.com

Twitter Profile URL: MurraySynge

Roi – Tranquility

About this painting:
This painting went to the Lions peace poster competition but unfortunately, it didn’t pass the first level because it was too good compared to the other posters made. (tbh it is lol)

This painting was painted with oil paint, and it took approximately 2 months to complete (around 6 hours of painting per day and 10 on weekends).

This is my favorite painting I made, and it is highly valuable to me.

When I drew this for the competition, I did not want to do what everyone does and do something with pigeons, flags, earth, hands, and random faces. I wanted to make something unique. So, I stumbled upon a photo in google of a lion sitting with a goat. This inspired me so I decided to paint something like this. “The lion and the goat are sitting together, and the lion is not attacking the goat and that shows that they have love and peace. If the lion and the goat can live in peace so humans can too. The goat Indicates peace by the collar he is wearing that has a pendant in the shape of the peace symbol. The goat is smiling, and it feels comfortable and safe being next to the lion.” – The original text I wrote to explain the paintings meaning for the competition.

I hope you like it!

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/72347500592105784369410950270287988598768578702981063870113073883270317342721

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/sheeeev66


“-When do we forget our oracles?
-We believed that we were smarter than our civilizations of the past, and that has brought us to our end.
-What can we do, master?
-Silence and kneel, it’s time, it’s here
What we witnessed that night, surpassed any previous experience, some never returned, now they are part of it “

2682×6234 pixels.
Duration: 15 seconds.

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Grekknh/oracle-64790

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/grekknhnft

Crystal-NFT – Tribal Warli Art, Mandala

Tribal Warli Art, Mandala – The simplest form of art yet elegant. It has a soothing effect on the mind of the onlooker. The mandala’s purpose is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones and to assist with healing. Mandala art is a Sanskrit word for “magic circle”. …
Size : 5000*5000 pixels
File type : PNG file

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/56122229093698512541381895966586656510499589325012511332470612429941482979329/

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Artycraftystuff

Tarjei Lienig – No. 6 – 2nd Gen SUMMER TRUST (ROOMIE) – Illyja Hope

Illyja Hope jumps from rock to rock along the sparkling river. Her smile giving peace to anyone that lays eyes on it. An innocence and determination for good is what Illyja Hope is all about.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771442608776151041

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Tarjei Lienig – No. 5 – 1st Gen WINTER GAZE (ROOMIE) – Thiny

You might think this beauty will fill you with warmth, but Thiny is colder than a long winter night. Intense piercing eyes empale you if you let her, and she reaches out with her cold icicle hands to lull you into an eternal sleep.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771441509264523265

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Tarjei Lienig – No. 4 – 1st Gen SPRING HUGGER (ROOMIE) – Tony Left Right Center

Here comes Tony Left Right Center. One of those who starts the party of with a bang, but has much more on the inside than what is observed on the surface. He might be jumping over there and then over there, but this ROOMIE has his feet steadily planted in his heart.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771440409752895489

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija

Andrey Ivakhnenko – LAB X7

Feel the dark atmosphere that I want to convey with my cryptoart!
(This is digitization of my nightdreams.)
*From the collection “My favorite nightmares”

“They say that when you wake up from a nightmare, you feel relief that it was just a dream. But when I wake up from a nightmare, I regret that this is not reality”

NFT URL: https://foundation.app/@Ivakhnenko_art/lab-x7-68096

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/Ivakhnenko_Art

Tarjei Lienig – MUSIC NFT COLLECTIBLE: No. 7 – 2nd Gen WINTER GAZE (ROOMIE) – Ishian

Far above the horizon stands Ishian tall and overlooks the landscape. He, and he alone, knows the meaning of east, west, south and north. He wakes over this land, keeping track of all that is divided and all that is united. Ishian loves jigsaw puzzles.

NFT URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/76077794565718226373874436126464941724070473957547354386059771443708287778817

Twitter Profile URL: https://twitter.com/RealTarjeija